Pepe le Tiki and Atomic Al's "Beautility" and apartment 
Pepe le Tiki and Atomic Al's magnificent home bar, an item actually called a "Beautility".
Pepe le Tiki and Atomic Al's magnificent home bar, an item actually called a "Beautility".
Viewed: 1817 times.

Once fully opened and folded down the Beautility offers a seductive array of treasures.
Once fully opened and folded down the Beautility offers a seductive array of treasures.
Viewed: 1705 times.

With the proper lighting, of course!
With the proper lighting, of course!
Viewed: 1617 times.

Proud owners- Atomic Al on the left, Pepe le Tiki to the right.
Proud owners- Atomic Al on the left, Pepe le Tiki to the right.
Viewed: 1610 times.

In addition to their amazing home, their rooftop gardens are an unexpected treasure!
In addition to their amazing home, their rooftop gardens are an unexpected treasure!
Viewed: 1556 times.

The gardens were the perfect setting to enjoy cocktails and fireworks from as part of Vancouver's "Celebration of Light".
The gardens were the perfect setting to enjoy cocktails and fireworks from as part of Vancouver's "Celebration of Light".
Viewed: 1552 times.

A Budha beside a small pond.
A Budha beside a small pond.
Viewed: 1657 times.

Lanterns of a variety of shapes and sizes provide soft light.
Lanterns of a variety of shapes and sizes provide soft light.
Viewed: 1654 times.

Exotic jungles, large ferns, giant leaves, oh my!
Exotic jungles, large ferns, giant leaves, oh my!
Viewed: 1620 times.

Yes, we were right in hte heart of the city, but their gardens absolutely capture the exotic feeling of having stepped through some portal to another time or place.
Yes, we were right in hte heart of the city, but their gardens absolutely capture the exotic feeling of having stepped through some portal to another time or place.
Viewed: 1652 times.

Happy vines!
Happy vines!
Viewed: 1641 times.

Lovely shades of red and green.
Lovely shades of red and green.
Viewed: 1658 times.

The quintessential Atomic Al picture- his BIG smile!
The quintessential Atomic Al picture- his BIG smile!
Viewed: 1671 times.

And by latern light- I note he dressed for the occasion- an excellent hula girl shirt!
And by latern light- I note he dressed for the occasion- an excellent hula girl shirt!
Viewed: 1600 times.

Back inside, the soft glow of the Beautility.
Back inside, the soft glow of the Beautility.
Viewed: 1543 times.

Across the room, and indoor exotic garden and the wonderful paneled wall.
Across the room, and indoor exotic garden and the wonderful paneled wall.
Viewed: 1610 times.

In the kitchen, Tiki mugs lurk and scowl!
In the kitchen, Tiki mugs lurk and scowl!
Viewed: 1592 times.

More precious artifacts!
More precious artifacts!
Viewed: 1578 times.

A Trader Vic's trio.
A Trader Vic's trio.
Viewed: 1590 times.

The FANTASTIC dining room set- elegant and sleek.
The FANTASTIC dining room set- elegant and sleek.
Viewed: 1684 times.

A perfect end to a PERFECT evening!
A perfect end to a PERFECT evening!
Viewed: 1748 times.

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