Lounge of the Seven Pleasures Pix March 18, 2006  
Hanging atop 'tapa of last resort', (i.e. quick, thumbtack up some plastic tapa to cover the white walls before everyone arrives!), is Gecko's maginificent Tiki Central plaque (http://www.geckotiki.com/), to either side two Bamboo Ben Tikis overlook the bar. (http://www.bambooben.com/)

Hanging atop 'tapa of last resort', (i.e. quick, thumbtack up some plastic tapa to cover the white walls before everyone arrives!), is Gecko's maginificent Tiki Central plaque (http://www.geckotiki.com/), to either side two Bamboo Ben Tikis overlook the bar. (http://www.bambooben.com/)

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