Album: Humphrey's Half Moon Inn, Shelter Island, San Diego, CA A late afternoon/ dusky evening exploration of the grounds and gardens of Humphrey's. Truely one of the more exotic locales- and within stumbling distance of the Bali Hai!Perhaps in needs of a few more Tikis, but the surviving Idols are well cared for and quite unique. http://www.halfmooninn.com/ Last change: 09/20/05
Contains: 77 items Viewed: 4590 times.
Album: around Shelter Island, San Diego Pictures from our 2005 explorations of the island. Far as I know, the only place in America that demanded 'polynesian' architecture as part of the original zoning ordinances. Last change: 09/20/05
Contains: 28 items Viewed: 2170 times.
Album: 2005 California Coastal Crawl- San Diego, Bali Hai Our First major stop on the California Coastal Crawl, an evening at the Bali Hai in San Diego, where we met with San Diegan Tikiphiles! Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 35 items Viewed: 2302 times.
Album: Bali Hai 2005 Our third visit to the legendary Bali Hai, and my second birthday celebration there (off by a few days this time, but still our celebration.)The Bali Hai is very dear to us. http://www.balihairestaurant.com/ Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 53 items Viewed: 3725 times.
Album: Islands restaurant and Red Lion Hanalei, May 2005 The now much condensed version of the original Islands Room, and Hanalei hotel (now owned by Red Lion). Still plenty of Tiki to be found- still one of the few "stepping into a postcard" experiences left, but sadly, the much of the Hanalei has been disfigured by the previous owner's "renovations".
Islands room- http://www.islandssushi.com/4.html
The Hanalei- http://www.hanaleihotel.com/ Last change: 09/20/05
Contains: 92 items Viewed: 5060 times.
Album: Mr. Tiki 2005 Mr. Tiki is a neo Tiki bar in the gaslight district. Their motto is to "Share. v. 1. A joint activity, such as having, using, or experiencing something with others. 2. An integral part of Tiki culture. 3. Mr Tiki says 'Try sharing, you'll make new friends and impress your family'." While they may primarily mean Sharing in realtion to their 'Mondo Martiki' drink for 4- I still like the attitude! Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 52 items Viewed: 4083 times.