Tokyo Garden, Tulsa, OK 
Exterior with sign. (View from leftside facing front of building).
Exterior with sign. (View from leftside facing front of building).
Viewed: 4704 times.

Entrance way. No Tikis apparent, outside or in.
Entrance way. No Tikis apparent, outside or in.
Viewed: 4665 times.

Along the right front exterior.
Along the right front exterior.
Viewed: 4519 times.

Right corner.
Right corner.
Viewed: 4357 times.

Did this once enclose some form of courtyard garden?
Did this once enclose some form of courtyard garden?
Viewed: 4428 times.

Looking down the right side exterior.
Looking down the right side exterior.
Viewed: 4336 times.

Base of the sign, interesting how the rocks may have at one time been part of more elaborate landscaping.
Base of the sign, interesting how the rocks may have at one time been part of more elaborate landscaping.
Viewed: 4376 times.

View across the front parking lot and towards the street- more stone landscape.
View across the front parking lot and towards the street- more stone landscape.
Viewed: 4505 times.

The only picture we took inside- a final remaining architectural Tiki detail, the wall fountain. Good sushi, no Tiki.
The only picture we took inside- a final remaining architectural Tiki detail, the wall fountain. Good sushi, no Tiki.
Viewed: 6074 times.

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