The Bali Hai's carved sign with the rainbow logo.
Viewed: 2474 times.
The San Diegan Ohana! Mahalo!
Viewed: 2258 times.
After dinner, we went outside, exploring the gardens for Tikis.
Viewed: 2147 times.
Tucked behind this back gate, our 'local guides' showed us Tikis we never would have found without them!
Viewed: 2160 times.
It takes two expert Urban Archeologists to pull back all the bushes around this fellow.
Viewed: 2254 times.
But the results are worth it! Wow!
Viewed: 2116 times.
Here was another huge pole hiding around back.
Viewed: 2146 times.
Another view.
Viewed: 2085 times.
This poor pole was on the ground- in need of some love, and painted white! So wrong!
Viewed: 2198 times.
Afterwards we went down to the Bali Hai's boat dock. This is view back up at the restaurant.
Viewed: 2184 times.
Nice font above the gate.
Viewed: 2173 times.
The 'upside down' Tiki.
Viewed: 2122 times.
To the left of the dock gate.
Viewed: 2272 times.
And to the right.
Viewed: 2101 times.
More views looking back at the restaurant.
Viewed: 2144 times.
Upstairs is the main dinning room, downstairs, an events room with dance floor and bar.
Viewed: 2126 times.
Looking in at the South Pacific Room (downstairs) from outside.
Viewed: 2073 times.
A garden gate with figural Moais in profile up top.
Viewed: 2040 times.
A better view of the Moai.
Viewed: 2141 times.
The gardens are enticing at night.
Viewed: 2207 times.
Indoors now, on the first floor- the South Pacific room.
Viewed: 2131 times.
Doorhandle on the entry.
Viewed: 2116 times.
Two views of the darkened South Pacific Room.
Viewed: 2136 times.
Another exposure, a slightly better view.
Viewed: 2157 times.
It's hard to see, but the area between the beam and post is filled with Lava rock.
Viewed: 2095 times.
More details of the massive construction.
Viewed: 2100 times.
Another easily overlooked detail, the porthole, painted white.
Viewed: 2094 times.
Yet another entry in my ongoing catalog of, you guessed it, Tiki carpet! You can often tell a classic Tiki establishment by it's tropical rug!
Viewed: 2172 times.
Detail of the carving on the railing outside the South Pacific Room.
Viewed: 2211 times.
More carvings on the rail. Kim Taylor Reese ( photographs above.
Viewed: 2184 times.
Upstairs, the Top of the Isle dinning room.
Viewed: 2205 times.
Another picture of the carved sign- less glare.
Viewed: 2119 times.
An artifact outside the top of the Isle Room.
Viewed: 2199 times.
Closer in on the fabulous Marquesan Ceremonial Canoe!
Viewed: 2258 times.
Tiki doorhandles!
Viewed: 2349 times.