Fins, Crofton, Maryland - February '09 
Fins, from the outside, looking like pretty much any ordinary shopping center storefront.
Fins, from the outside, looking like pretty much any ordinary shopping center storefront.
Viewed: 2358 times.

Inside the main dining room, tropical with a splash of mermaids.
Inside the main dining room, tropical with a splash of mermaids.
Viewed: 2253 times.

Mermaids, birds and plants.
Mermaids, birds and plants.
Viewed: 2217 times.

The Fins version of a "Mai Tai", Yes, pineappley. That said, still a nice tropical cocktail with good rum.
The Fins version of a "Mai Tai", Yes, pineappley. That said, still a nice tropical cocktail with good rum.
Viewed: 2171 times.

typical wall decor in an upper seating area with booths
typical wall decor in an upper seating area with booths
Viewed: 2189 times.

Painted with the Fins signature mermaid
Painted with the Fins signature mermaid
Viewed: 2276 times.

Another view of the main dining room
Another view of the main dining room
Viewed: 2295 times.

And a final picture with Eric, Fins' friendly and welcoming owner standing by the softly glowing Fin in the dining room wall. He traded in his ties for Aloha shirts. Mahalo, Eric!
And a final picture with Eric, Fins' friendly and welcoming owner standing by the softly glowing Fin in the dining room wall. He traded in his ties for Aloha shirts. Mahalo, Eric!
Viewed: 2351 times.

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