Hot Rod Hula Hop 2- The Feast of the Gods at the Tropical Bistro 
Looking from the back of the Tropical Bistro towards the front door.
Looking from the back of the Tropical Bistro towards the front door.
Viewed: 2708 times.

Peeking into the sea-life mural rooms later on into the evening.
Peeking into the sea-life mural rooms later on into the evening.
Viewed: 2563 times.

The Tori gate leading into the 'waters' room (complete with motion lamps and bird sounds). The table at the back was where our Ohana celebrated the Feast of the Gods.
The Tori gate leading into the 'waters' room (complete with motion lamps and bird sounds). The table at the back was where our Ohana celebrated the Feast of the Gods.
Viewed: 2668 times.

Johnny Dollar models his fabulous new FOM Fez!
Johnny Dollar models his fabulous new FOM Fez!
Viewed: 2536 times.

The Kahiki lamp in the center of the pagoda. Beneath is a rock waterfall completed by a Kahiki headhunter mug with lucky bamboo.
The Kahiki lamp in the center of the pagoda. Beneath is a rock waterfall completed by a Kahiki headhunter mug with lucky bamboo.
Viewed: 2644 times.

Just a few of us happy Maryland Ohana.
Just a few of us happy Maryland Ohana.
Viewed: 2649 times.

The sushi bar near the back. At the left hands side you can see the wonderful Tiki Chisel Slinger donated to the Tropical Bistro back in June.
The sushi bar near the back. At the left hands side you can see the wonderful Tiki Chisel Slinger donated to the Tropical Bistro back in June.
Viewed: 2575 times.

Plenty o' aloha shirts!
Plenty o' aloha shirts!
Viewed: 2713 times.

Johnny models with a happy, though painted, Tiki pole.
Johnny models with a happy, though painted, Tiki pole.
Viewed: 2810 times.

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