*Galleries* Pictures of the Lounge 
Highlight for Album: Earliest Lounge Pictures 2-13-2003.
Album: Earliest Lounge Pictures 2-13-2003.

Photos from the dawn of the bar- these are old, and it has changed quite a bit since then- same bones, but much more cluttered- and larger now, too! 2-13-2003.
Last change: 07/19/08
Contains: 9 items
Viewed: 4468 times.

Highlight for Album: Lounge of the Seven Pleasures pix 9-14-04
Album: Lounge of the Seven Pleasures pix 9-14-04

Pictures taken not long after the First Ever Night of the Seven Pleasures. As the pictures from the event (see events album) contained many pictures taken with a flash, I wanted to take another set that was more reflective of the actual lighting in the Lounge.
Last change: 02/04/05
Contains: 49 items
Viewed: 6644 times.

Highlight for Album: A few new details, 1-20-05
Album: A few new details, 1-20-05

Bits and Pieces from various trips and holidays finally incorporated into the Tiki bar design. Includes some of the details easy to overlook in the overall 'layered chaos' total effect of the Lounge- mugs, lamps, plaques/Shields, calendars, rums etc.
Last change: 02/04/05
Contains: 36 items
Viewed: 4420 times.

Highlight for Album: Lounge of the Seven Pleasures Pix
March 18, 2006
Album: Lounge of the Seven Pleasures Pix March 18, 2006

As we're about to go into another round of work on the Lounge, I figured we should take some pix documenting it's current state so we'll remember what it looked like. Everywhere I look in these pictures are projects to be done- white bookshelves, ceilings, mugs unsorted and outgrowing the space as it currently stands. Poles to be built in and walls to be recovered in REAL matting and tapa. But for what it's worth, this is where things stood in March of 2006.
Last change: 08/27/06
Contains: 60 items
Viewed: 6526 times.

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