***GALLERIES*** The Wisconsin Dells 
Highlight for Album: The Polynesian Resort
Album: The Polynesian Resort

So this is what Polynesian looks like from Wisconsin- eeek! Polynesia by way of the Mayans, perhaps :) www.dellspolynesian.com
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 14 items
Viewed: 2549 times.

Highlight for Album: The Aloha Beach Resort and Suites
Album: The Aloha Beach Resort and Suites

We were able to confirm at least one Tiki sighting, even in winter. Their URL is http://www.alohabeachresort.com/
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 10 items
Viewed: 2225 times.

Highlight for Album: The Days Inn and BP gas station.
Album: The Days Inn and BP gas station.

Album with a few interesting rooflines, perhaps the once upon a time remnant of something vaguely Tiki-ish.
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 3 items
Viewed: 2110 times.

Highlight for Album: Snapshots from the Wisconsin Dells, around town.
Album: Snapshots from the Wisconsin Dells, around town.

Just a few buildings and signs that caught our eye. Also a few wintertime pictures of the drive-in from just outside town.
Last change: 09/30/05
Contains: 12 items
Viewed: 2181 times.

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