Trader Mort's!
Viewed: 2359 times.
Close in on Trader Mort's sign with the wonderful typeface.
Viewed: 2191 times.
Even the little dry cleaners across the street from Trader Mort's has a certain exptic flair to it.
Viewed: 2117 times.
Very typical shelter island architecture. Be sure to note the fencepost stylized Tikis, you'll see them again and again all over the island.
Viewed: 1944 times.
One of several yacht yards.
Viewed: 1485 times.
Fiddler's Green.
Viewed: 1593 times.
Another fabulous roofline.
Viewed: 1596 times.
Typical of the parklike setting. Both the distant shaded gazebo and the close in street signs have stylized tiki poles.
Viewed: 1587 times.
The Crow's Nest- one of my favourite buildings on the island.
Viewed: 1527 times.
You can't really make out how angular the building is from this picture.
Viewed: 1541 times.
Here's a much better shot, and you can just make out the marina behind it, it's right on the water.
Viewed: 1603 times.
Wonderful stone wall setting off the tropical splendor perfectly.
Viewed: 1526 times.
Another fantastic roofline!
Viewed: 1604 times.
All the road signs on the island have the stylized Tiki heads up top.
Viewed: 1942 times.
Humphrey's restaurant and backstage lounge.
Viewed: 2090 times.
typical street signage on the island, complete with stylized Tiki head up top.
Viewed: 2184 times.
Bay Club Hotel Marina,
Viewed: 2125 times.
More interesting angles.
Viewed: 1952 times.
Entrnce to the main lobby of the Best Western Island Palms Hotel & Marina.
Viewed: 1522 times.
Huge palms and blue skies.
Viewed: 1559 times.
Note the little 'closed road' barriers are more the stylized Tiki heads.
Viewed: 1598 times.
Viewed: 1522 times.
Bamboo on the balconies too!
Viewed: 1586 times.
You can't really get a feel for the roofline, but it does have a little flair to it.
Viewed: 1512 times.
Gazebo with stylized Tiki head poles.
Viewed: 1538 times.
And a final tropical traffic sign, surrounded by overgrowth.
Viewed: 1588 times.
Humphrey's stunning grande entryway
Viewed: 1589 times.
And a side view of that soaring A-frame
Viewed: 2174 times.